
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Shining the Light of Christ

At Bethlehem Lutheran Church, we are committed to serving our community and sharing the love of Christ through our actions. Our service opportunities are designed to meet the needs of those around us, both within our congregation and in the wider community. Whether it’s through local outreach programs, mission trips, or volunteer projects, we strive to love our neighbors as ourselves, bringing hope and help to those in need. Join us in making a difference and shining Christ’s light in the world.

Check back later for more events!

Ready to walk with us?

Are you ready to join us in the light of Christ? Learn more about what to expect, how to connect with our church community, and the many ways you can grow in your faith in Jesus Christ at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. We look forward to walking with you!