Raising your child in the faith is one of the most important things you can do. But you aren’t called to do it alone! Whether your child is still in diapers or almost out of the house, they have a place in the family of God here!
MomCo, is a community of moms with kids from birth through 8th grade who gather to support, encourage, and have fun with one another in the name of Jesus Christ.
MomCo, is a community of moms with kids from birth through 8th grade who gather to support, encourage, and have fun with one another in the name of Jesus Christ.
Our nursery is available most Sundays throughout the school year from 9:15-11:45am to assist parents during the Bible class hour and worship services. It is available to all children from birth through 4 years old. Children are cared for by trusted nursery attendants and snacks are provided.
MomCo, is a community of moms with kids from birth through 8th grade who gather to support, encourage, and have fun with one another in the name of Jesus Christ.
MomCo, is a community of moms with kids from birth through 8th grade who gather to support, encourage, and have fun with one another in the name of Jesus Christ.
MomCo, is a community of moms with kids from birth through 8th grade who gather to support, encourage, and have fun with one another in the name of Jesus Christ.